Thursday, 15 May 2014

Social network

On my front cover i have added my magazines instagram and twitter on the cover, as the audience i am targeting is the generation that mostly spend their time on social media and the internet.

I got these two icons off the internet then used the magic wand tool on photoshop to remove the backgrounds.

Magazine masthead

My magazine is called billboard, after the billboard charts. I thought this was appropriate because these charts only have the genres of rap and hip-hop, and that is essentially what my magazine will be about.
The colour of my masthead as shown is red, it is red because its a bright stand out colour and also is the colour of passion/love and danger which is what these genres of hip-hop and rap can be associated with.

As you can see here these are the effects I've used to get my masthead this way.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Music magazine double page spread

Here is the initial picture I took of my feature artist to go on one side of my double page spread as I decided to do a an interview. 
I put this image in word, cropped it and added a filter. Then I put it on a page alsong side my double page spread as shown here. 
I also added an interview which will go on the right side of my double page spread. 

Here is my finished double page spread

Music magazine contents

Here is my contents page. As you can see it's quite plain as i didn't want to overdo it as it is only a contents page. I made the word contents big and bold as that's how I've seen it throughout my research. I added a picture of my feature artist to continue the theme. 

As I wanted my numbers of pages in the same line and layout I done them on a seperate page as shown here. 

I got some feedback from my teachers and changed my contents. As you can see here the image and text is a lot bigger. There is also a website and an issue number for the magazine itself. There is also a quote said by the person the image is of as I found this can be quite effective when used throughout my research. 
As you can see here my feature artist is faced towards my contents text which will also draw across the reader/audience.

Music magazine front cover

Here is the front cover of my music magazine. I have slightly changed it round to ensure everything fits. I have made my masthead bigger and moved my barcode down to yhe bottom right of the page. I moved my straplines to the bottom right side of the page and my image to the left side. Ive also added social media username for my magazine where my audience can go follow the magazine and get updates on the upcoming issues. 

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Music magazine image

Here is the photo I took to go on the front cover on my magazine. Obviously I didn't want the bckground and only wanted the person to go to my cover so I put it in word and removed the background. 
After removing most of the background I still had to put it into photoshop and sharpen it up with a few filters and colour/brightness adjustments. 
Here is my finished image to go on my cover for my music magazine. 

Final music magazine cover

Here is the final article of my music magazine front cover. All the elements are still the same to my previous upload of y cover, yet I have added a picture now and sorte out my layout.

I put in my picture and wanted it to cover some of the masthead as it does so i had to make both the masthead and image bigger. Which is why I decided to move the bar code from the top right to the bottom right as I needed abit more room for my masthead yet the barcode is still effective where it is positioned at the moment. 

I decided to add all my straplines down the right side of my page as the colours mix well with the gradient of the light blue compared to the dark blue which allows the image to stand out and catch the audiences attention. I had to resize most of the text as boxes to make them all fit effectively and within the allocated space without them looked crammed and loosing effect.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Magazine double page spread

Here is an example of a double page spread. It is an interview of Lady Gaga. Her picture is on the left hand side and the interview is on the right side ontop of the large stand out red letter "L" which probably stands for lady. 

Here is another example of a double page spread. Again the picture is on the left side and on the right is the details. This is also an interview with some harsh/abusive words used which have been blocked with stars so none of the audience is offended or isn't seen by little children. 

Both pages are very much so alike yet this one doesn't have a letter in the background of the text or anything that will automatically catch the audiences eye.  

Music magazine contents research

Here is an example of 2 very different contents pages. As you can see the one below is a very sexual and seductive page which would most likely be aimed at males whereas the one below is a more mysterious page probably targeted towards both genders. 
Similarly the word "contents" has been broken down into 3 words almost in a picture itself. And is weirdly in the top right of the page whereas we are used to reading from left to right. 

Both pages have a sub heading of "features" which is what will be the main points within the magazine. Both pages have a dominant picture on the page which will automatically draw the attention of the reader. 

Music magazine cover

Here is almost my finished front cover of my music magazine entitled "billboard". I used several straplines of celebrities that are well know musicians that the audience can relate to. I got this idea from the research i have been doing. I put a barcode up in the corner next to my masthead as I have seen it here during my research and thought it was most appropriate to put it here next to my masthead. I have also included freebies which in this case is wireless tickets. I have seen this type of advertisement on several magazine covers not just music magazines as this is a potential plus point for the organisation to target potential buyers and lure them in. 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

My music magazine

Here is the start of my front cover. I called it billboard as I though of the billboard too 100 and thought it was appropriate. I used the navy with a white spotlight background as I though it would be a good background to help my masthead image and straplines stand out when put on. 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Music magazine

This week i started my music magazine. I went on Google and analysed the top music magazines to see what ideas I could get for my magazine. 

Like this well known best selling music magazine called "XXL". This is an urban/rap magazine which publishes a new edition every week. As u can see on this cover, the Masthead is pretty small and yet stands out as it is in a red box. There isn't many strap lines either on the cover which maybe suggests the artists the magazine get to pose on the cover are ultimately selling it. The main negative of this would be that not all the targeted audience will like the the artist on the cover which will probably mean that the sales will be up and down every week. On this cover the image covers the masthead which means that the audience will probably know the magazine anyway as it is popular and that the magazine can afford to block part of the masthead. 

Whereas on this cover of "the source" there are many strap lines aswell and a big image to attract the audience. Judging by the image on the cover of this magazine I would say this is a very rap/thug music related magazine as the rapper on the cover has various tattoos and is holding a gun to himself. Adding to this the fact that the strap lines are in red and bold. Red is said to be the colour of danger. 

Friday, 14 March 2014

School magazine improvements

This is my improve magazine front cover. I imported a picture in from Google as I didn't have any decent picture for my cover. Again I put this picture on Photoshop and cut out the background so it fits on my front cover exactly in the hotspots which is the ultimate place the audience will draw their eye to. 

School magazine

This is my school magazine. I've used several strap lines which will try and draw in my audience. I used the name 'ambition' because obviously everyone in school has a career ambition so they can relate. 

I used the colour scheme of yellow and blue because that's the colours of Hamstead Hall Academy. 

Pictures taken

Here is a picture I took in the car park of school. This is a medium shot. I edited this using photoshop. I different effects on it and I will use it as the background picture on my contents page inside my magazine. 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Ideas stage

In this draft I decided to go for a big bold masthead and a attractive image which will effectively draw my audience in with very few strap lines down the sides. I chose this idea as I think when effective it works wonders. If a image is powerful enough to draw readers in then the less strap lines will give less away to the aidience about the content. Hopefully the audience will want to buy it to find out.  
I specially liked the idea here of a smaller image and more focused upon strap lines to sell the magazine. Again with a nice big bold masthead the smaller images will take affect when the audience pick up the magazine or buy it but what will catch the eye is the strap lines of how words are being used and played with. 
As shown in these pictures here using my research I sketched out a few rough ideas of how my front cover could potentially look and what I've liked from my research. There are 3 different idea that I put together to make what I have in the pictures. 

School magazines analysis

Here on this front cover of a school magazine the masthead is in a reddish burgundy colour, this to me represents sporting kit and cheerleading. This is probably as it is a American college magazine. The strap lines that really catch the readers eye, are in a bold font and draw the audiences eye. The girl
In the middle of the cover, suggest that this would mainly be a females magazine and adding to this, her head slightly covers some of the mast head this means that the masthead would be well recognised by it's audience that they know what it says anyway. 

Whereas this masculine magazine uses a bright yellow masthead on a black background. This could be to stand out or could maybe be for the colours the college is associated in. Similarly on this front cover, the main image covers the masthead also. The strap lines are also very similar as yet the strap lines that stand out are mostly in a different colour in yellow, and are in bold to catch the passing eye. Yet at first glace the guy on the cover doesn't really look like a college student until the eye catches the books in his hand. 

On the other hand this front cover, seems very simple and to the point. It's definitely about science due to the image of the female in a science lab, and the content of the strap lines. The mast head unlike the others is very spaced out across the whole page in a bold font portraying a quality magazine and the white colour of the masthead portraying purity. Adding to this the strap lines on this magazine are fairly small in comparison to the other two covers yet again on this cover the key points of the magazine are in bold. 

Background research on images used

As shown here in this magazine the image is a girl in a science lab, this probably shows the audience straight away without having a read this is a science magazine. 

Adding to this the fact that the image is of a girl could primarily detear males off the magazine as it could be deemed females only in a school or college. 

Background information

When researching and looking at past magazine front covers I gathered good information. 

I looked at how the masthead was positioned and what colour have been used and what they have represented. For example white masthead would imply purity as white is deemed as quite a pure colour. Adding to this also looking at what types of fonts represent. For example a big bold font and title would imply that the school is very strong head and that the magazine is quality. 
Such as the masthead on this magazine front conver is implying purity and quality. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Planning out front cover of my school magazine

On A3 papaer using the research I gathered and factors I discovered I creased a plan of my school magazine front cover and contents page 

Researched school magazines

I researched several school magazines to see what kind of factors go into it and what aspects I would put into mine. I primarily looked at the contents page and front cover of them. 

I researched on Google and looked at other types of magazines aswell as college magazines that have previously been done. 

I looked mainly at what type of masthead has predominantly been used and the style of it. The font colour and positioning of it also. 

I also looked at te strap lines, looking at what type of content they contained and the positioning of them also.